We strive to engage children in different types of activities in small groups. Of all the learning approaches, “class-based exploration and learning” is an approach which involves topics developed based on children’s interests and abilities. For example, the theme “School and Me” encourages children to explore their surroundings at school, e.g. The mosquito killer lamp at school may trigger children’s curiosity about the reasons of using the lamp and its functions. Children will then be involved in “class-based exploration and learning” and participate in a series of activities in relation to the mosquito lamp: locating the mosquito lamps at school, reading news articles, school notices and other information to find out the functions of the lamp and the reasons of using it, and lastly creating signs or posters to warn people about mosquitoes. Upon the completion of the theme module, teachers will keep a record of children’s learning in a “learning story” so that parents can get a better understanding of their children’s learning performance.